GlowUp with Shaman Isis
GlowUp with Shaman Isis: An Edgy Podcast for Transformation and Higher Consciousness
Are you captivated by inspiring personal stories, hero journeys, and reflections on spirituality's place in modern life? Tune in to GlowUp with Shaman Isis, the bold and uplifting podcast by spiritual rockstar, 2x #1 best-selling author, and veteran podcaster Cynthia L. Elliott—aka Shaman Isis.
With her devilish style, straight talk, and angelic warmth, Shaman Isis shares stunning tales of her transformation—from a Tennessee orphanage to NYC PR diva to GlowUp Guru. She explores the raw, real, and often hilarious intersections of self-discovery, spirituality, and modern living through heartfelt solo episodes and riveting interviews with survivors, spiritual leaders, authors, and experts.
Shaman Isis is a fearless voice advocating for higher consciousness as the antidote to the mental health crisis—a message echoed in her first #1 bestseller, Memory Mansion. Dubbed a "female Kerouac," her self-love memoir is a refreshing call to reclaim your power and shine.
In GlowUp with Shaman Isis, topics like emotional mastery, unleashing your inner rockstar, and reclaiming your power take center stage.
Are you ready to GlowUp and rock your life?
Discover more at ShamanIsis.com or SoulTechFoundation.org.
Follow her on social media at:
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Other Podcasts:
After a year of exhaustive reporting on the election and rapid evolution of AI, Shaman Isis is taking a break from her popular podcast, Citizen Journalist; those episodes are still available below.
Duration and frequency: The show shares 30-60 minutes biweekly
GlowUp with Shaman Isis
Empaths Unite with Graciela Moore
In the latest episode of New Earth News, host Shaman Isis is joined by delightful and insightful author, coach, and empathetic leader Graciela Moore. Two empaths sharing an inspiring and high-frequency conversation about their journeys.
About Graciela Moore:
Graciela is a multiple-time published Poet/Author and creative with a background of 12 years in social media, marketing, branding and sales. She is a sought-after podcast guest a LIVE Show hostess and book club moderator. Named 1 of the Top 50 Social Audio Voices of 2022 by theglobalinterview.com; she hosts 100s weekly on her LIVE conversations about HSP – Empath Leadership and Content Creation.
New Earth News Host:
Shaman Isis is an Author, Speaker, PR Pioneer, Leadership Guide, Intuitive Healer, Artist & Sustainable Designer
For over 20 years, Cynthia Elliott, aka the avatar ShamanIsis, has helped brands, executives, business icons, and celebrities realize their dreams. As a strategic visionary who founded the field of brand communications and influencer marketing, she drives change that shifts lives, businesses, and the cultural landscape. Her straight-talking warmth and intuitive style delight clients and audiences, especially on the topics of healing and inner intelligence.
Spiritual guru, two-time #1 best-selling author, and higher consciousness advocate Shaman Isis (aka Cynthia L. Elliott) is on a mission to turn the tide of the mental and spiritual health crisis with mindfulness practices, incredible events, powerful content, and motivational storytelling that inspire your heroes journey! Learn more about her books, courses, speaking engagements, book signings, and appearances at ShamanIsis.com.
Ready for a life transformation? Ready to bring your dreams to life? Then you will want Glowup With Shaman Isis: The Collection of inspiring books and courses filled with life lessons and practices that raise your vibration and consciousness.
Ready for a life transformation? Ready to bring your dreams to life? Then you will want Glowup With Shaman Isis: The Collection of inspiring books and courses filled with life lessons and practices that raise your vibration and consciousness.
GlowUp with Shaman Isis: An Edgy Podcast for Transformation and Higher Consciousness
Are you captivated by inspiring personal stories, hero’s journeys, and reflections on spirituality's place in modern life? Tune in to GlowUp with Shaman Isis, the bold and uplifting podcast by spiritual rockstar, 2x #1 best-selling author, and veteran podcaster Cynthia L. Elliott—aka Shaman Isis.
Discover more at ShamanIsis.com or SoulTechFoundation.org.
Follow her on social media at:
Unknown Speaker 0:02
Hi, and welcome to New Earth News. I'm your host shaman ISIS and I am delighted to have an amazing guest that I met through Twitter named Graciela Moore, can you introduce yourself to the audience and tell them what you do?
Unknown Speaker 0:13
Of course, yeah, man. I'm so excited to be here. Thank you so much. Shaman Isis. My name is Graciela Moore, I am from Puerto Rico reciting in Florida, and I am an ICF certified coach. I love everything hope, and Transcendentalism, and spirit, and all of those. And I'm an author, a writer, poet. I joined Twitter for the very first time last year and my first campaign of advocacy was hashtag poets or authors to,
Unknown Speaker 0:46
oh, I love that and so important and true.
Unknown Speaker 0:51
Yes, because I just don't know where I got lost in translation that poets are not writers like, oh, you Oh,
Unknown Speaker 0:57
I know. I know. Yeah, we can have a whole conversation about that. I will say one thing about the whole writing communities that when I first started my first book, spiritual health for life wealth, it's actually called the unleash the Empress. I don't think a lot of writers realize that book publishers won't publish books on spiritual awakenings. And so when I was getting some feedback, I was like, do they not know that you did, it would be literally a waste of my energy. But you know, I think they're trying to help.
Unknown Speaker 1:23
Yeah. So
Unknown Speaker 1:25
we're gonna talk about spirituality and consciousness and empathy today, you recently put out a book of poetry that you were telling me about? Can you share something about that with the audience?
Unknown Speaker 1:37
Sure. So I guess this, the beginning of that book is the beginning of my story really, or pretty early on because I was the highly sensitive Empath child in a home where nobody spoke that language. And so this is part of my advocacy work, right, because I coach and advocate for highly sensitive empaths. And as a result of some of the things I was trying to make sense of pretty early on in life, I have been writing for over 20 years. And once I reached teenage years, you know, the statistics say that at least whatever, whatever percent of children experiments with poetry, well, I never got over it. I just kept writing. And as a result, I have a large selection. Listen, I have a lot written up in journals. And they went from, from Puerto Rico, to Texas, to Florida with me. So we've been through thick and thin. And I'm having this not epiphany, but just this interesting exchange, where I knew going into this year that publishing my poetry was part of what I was going to make happen. It's been in the works since last year when I launched my other book. And so this year, I'm having a conversation at the beginning of January with a dear friend Tanya that I collaborate with. And we're going through all of the holidays for February, and we realized that Valentine's Day is World Book Giving Day. And so even though I was going to put up a book, like around April, I decided to do that one instead for Valentine's Day. And so it's very dramatic. It's love spells, musings for the brokenhearted and it's all about unrequited on answered, somewhat inappropriate love that you shouldn't be feeling but you feel it so much. And so that's what it's about. Yeah. And if you're an empath, you probably feel that book in your bones. Because love is very dramatic and traumatic for highly sensitive people just like everything else. So
Unknown Speaker 3:55
I was a closet impasse for a really long time. And I mean, I don't know, maybe I wasn't as close as I think I was. I was masking for a really long time, but it does. Empathy really does affect your life experience in and I'm so glad to see so many people talking about it. You in particular, really speaking so powerfully to being an empath, because it wasn't something I grew up hearing about. And it wasn't something I could even discuss because people thought it. They thought you were saying that you were just sensitive and it's like, no, I know when you're being lied to. I know. I know, when someone's getting sick,
Unknown Speaker 4:36
you don't know how to anticipate any of it. And like any other child when an adult says no, it's okay but you energetically speaking, you know, it's not okay, but someone else is saying it's okay because they don't know because they may not be highly sensitive and they may not know what you know, this is where the gaslighting starts like all of the gaslighting that empaths go through in I've really started even as a non like, I'm not trying to gaslight you, I'm an adult and you're the child and you know, because you're Empath, but I have no idea what you're talking about. So it's okay, you see where I'm going? Oh, yeah, I've seen the same time, we grow up into the adults who don't know how to communicate their needs, and who get really confused. And if 20 to 30% of the population is highly sensitive Empath, according to, you know, Elaine, Aaron, and everyone else that works in this field, then there's at least one or 2% of those 20 to 30% or 10 to 20% that ends up in toxic relationships, and, you know, instances of domestic violence. So now we're advocating for someone out for something else, right, a lot more drama. And a lot of that was my experience as well. So becoming a life coach just really gave me the direction to work on my stuff, and figure out how to fix my problems, and then translate that into the community at large because there's so many empaths and so many survivors, right? So, love what I do.
Unknown Speaker 6:18
Yeah, have you had the experience of being like a lightning rod for narcissists, because I worked in events for a really long time. And I noticed the pattern, but I didn't know the label, I noticed that the people who would come to me, which are almost always men, within like an hour of whatever event I was doing, there'd be one guy who was trying to whatever and eventually I realized, oh, my gosh, I'm I attract narcissists, which I know the empaths do because they like their special skill set,
Unknown Speaker 6:52
it was easy when we just want to, we just want to make you like, okay and happy. And you know, if you're happy, then I'm happy and the codependency ensues. And something that we tend to do as well, when we're not. At the level of understanding all of it is we use our clear vision to project into the future a totally erroneous image of what we hope you the narcissist will be like, if, like, we would be so happy if you changed. So I'm going to stay here because I'm holding on to that projection, where in reality, you can be spending your time alone, tackling that gift, and learning how to really use it. So, yes, it's been a very interesting journey, to speak to this regard and with people who understand where I'm coming from, or learn from it, and then have their epiphanies. That's such a gift from Twitter spaces. So I try to make every single conversation, be educational and be a panel discussion so that people can ask their questions and give me their insight because that's my research. Yeah. I love it.
Unknown Speaker 8:09
Oh, what is? What were some of the signs that you picked up on when you were growing up? I'm loving the sympathy because I know you know so much about this particular topic. What were some of the signs to you? How old are you? I'm jumping ahead to another question. How old were you when you realized that you were empathic?
Unknown Speaker 8:29
Um, well, I didn't call it any of that. But I called it just spiritual until I go into highly sensitive people and learn about empath. I knew emo emo came out when I was in high school, and an early you know, hot topic to cover all the malls and so early college days emo was a thing as well, I know it still is, but I'm
Unknown Speaker 8:53
laughing because the email came way after me. And I was like, so glad that word wasn't around.
Unknown Speaker 9:00
So, but what I did know, honestly, so early on, I have memories of being 679 and then all the traumatic thing that happened right at 12 or 14, so on and so forth. Um, I would say the early signs were me, like Bruno Mars would say talking to them.
Unknown Speaker 9:28
Like that. You coming out?
Unknown Speaker 9:33
Yes, you know, Earth elementals so fairies always like such a deep belief deep rooted like, you know, like Peter Pan. I do believe in fairies. I didn't believe in fairies. That was me. And there was this romanticism about leaving Puerto Rico to go to the States because that's, it's at six or seven. There's nothing else that you haven't really learned in school about the rest of the world is just the US and what you see on TV in Puerto Rico. And so I wrote fantasized coming here. And what I would imagine as a child was the windows opening and me flying away with my wings and landing in you know, the US and so there's a lot of magic in my spiritual dialogue as a child so the moon has always been there. And in church and in school, it was also very spiritual. So I would be singled out to give a prayer because your prayers are just so beautiful Grace Allah, would you please give the prayer and so I've always been very connected. Just love it so much spirit. And its maded it's been the constant thread to help me figure things out. And then in my 20s when I kind of shot a lot that was going on, like we tend to do, that's when my relationship to Oracle's and even just random Bible seeking to see what pops up that's divination as well. So always very interested in doing devotionals and scriptures and to learn all the things my latest obsession being astrology
Unknown Speaker 11:18
that's one I struggled to get into because I although I do believe there's a saying something about the season of The Great the season and year of the grapes dictates the wines and why would the day and date and I do agree that there's a lot of truth to astrology, but I do feel also like it gets taken on levels that are just like, I know, I don't have that. What's that?
Unknown Speaker 11:44
It's mind blowing.
Unknown Speaker 11:45
Oh, I know that when I hear people I'm just like, oh, no, no, no, no, that sounds like that sounds like a four year class.
Unknown Speaker 11:52
Yeah. Which is why I narrowed it down to the moon. And so in my show, we only talk about the moon. I give them the very superficial kind of rundown of the astrology of the week, according to Chani in the Chani app, and that's it. I feel like I'm doing like a show commentary. And Shani said. I love that. Got everyone. G.
Unknown Speaker 12:17
Do you remember having those experiences? Because one of the things that really stood out to me was growing up as an empath was that I knew when people were lying, and I knew when they were being when there was something underlying in them, that was scary. Do you recall though those those moments are, you know, even in general, of seeing that you're seeing something that other people are just like, No, I'm not seeing that?
Unknown Speaker 12:45
No, I was completely romanticized well into my 30s, it really did not click for me. So this is why I do what I do with with the domestic violence leg of my work, because I was in those gaslighting relationships until basically 29 years old. And so at 29 is when the raveling began, and a lot of it is because I found myself in in a safe relationship for the very first time. And once you're in a safe space, as a trauma survivor, or as an introvert once once you feel safe, you blossom into yourself, and your authenticity shines through and part of my authenticity has been to do the therapeutic work, to get to the bottom of things. And then my child is born when I literally turned 34 The day before he was born. By the time I'm 34 and I have my child, I instantly knew that he was a highly sensitive Empath spirit was so loud spirit was like enough. You need to like it was just so clearly just enough like you need to figure it out for him. I guess I put it off for a long time.
Unknown Speaker 14:05
Will we do that? Yeah, trust me, girl I did I put mine off until 50. I woke up one day and was like, Okay, I've been depressed for 10 years,
Unknown Speaker 14:14
I weigh a lot more than I should. I'm miserable. I hate my life. And I've never told anybody my real story, it's time to wake up. And to be who you really are in that journey. that three year journey has been amazing and the amount of change that I've gone through by learning to embrace all my flaws and positives, and own my history without shame, which was one of the things I really struggled with. And I was in a long term relationship with an abusive narcissist. getting to a place where I could just own all that stuff and not care that I might be judged by someone not cared that they may You know, who changed their opinion? Like, I just don't care anymore? And what a brilliant place that is to get to. Did you feel that way?
Unknown Speaker 15:08
Yes. And once I figured it out, let's just call it that. And I got all the certifications. And I got a few sessions with my therapist, and a lot of journaling and all that blah, blah, blah. And I started setting the energetic and the physical boundaries that need to happen with toxic people in your life. who shouldn't have a say? And sadly, if they do have a say they're naysayer, so it's like, Oh, why, um, my creative, everything just started flowing, everything started flowing such a blessing, right. So you know, my husband works from home. And not everybody can do that 24/7 with someone, even though he's not here right now, but he works from home. So I get to really study him, and really study human behavior. I was in real estate. So I would meet a lot of people as well all the time. And any any work that you do physically with someone else who's an empath will impact to you, your energetic levels, how much rest you need, so on and so forth. And so it's been a long time of me kind of understanding what best works for my safety so that my authenticity can shine through so that I can do what I do work coach and do all of it. Create content, or whatever it is. And so here we are, it's it's hard job every day, right to measure my energy, see what's coming up that day and decide how to proceed. And then of course, I have a toddler in my face all the time. If there's nothing else in my life, that grounds me, then he grounds but
Unknown Speaker 17:00
making sure your cup is full, so that you can take care of the little.
Unknown Speaker 17:04
Yes, that's right.
Unknown Speaker 17:06
Yeah, that's it. That's another thing I had to I had to learn the fine balance of was, you know, how do I keep make sure that my cup is full? And I'm not giving away something that I don't have the reserves for? It? Does your I have a question for you, in regards to impact being an impact, because it's become such a huge topic? And I might say, my imagination that this was not a huge topic two years ago, three years ago? Is it just me that thinks it's something that's become very prevalent after the virus enclosures? Or my mind just not? Am I imagining things? No,
Unknown Speaker 17:46
you're not. You're not there's a lot that has come to a point of clarity for everyone. Right? Isn't that what the Age of Aquarius is about? And definitely forcing, forcing the pandemic and forcing everyone and when I say forcing, I'm talking about, you know, Saturn being in Aquarius, two and a half years ago, when all of it happened, something like that, you know, something big happened two and a half years ago, that's about to happen
Unknown Speaker 18:14
again. Oh, you just gave me chills all over my body? Because yeah. And I'm trying not to. I'm trying to ask questions that I just have asked myself before. It was announced, the shift has happened about two and a half years ago, you could feel it in the air. That's right. And
Unknown Speaker 18:31
so everybody is forced to stay home. And it brought up a lot of things to the surface like the narcissist being, you know, everything. All of this statistics were through the roof, that very first few months of the pandemic domestic violence was one of those, because it's forcing the narcissist who used to be out nine to five, doing whatever he wanted. Now he's at home with his lovely Empath wife, or, you know, however the the scenario will look like, because I know that some men are victims as well. But you know, sadly, it's usually the man and the woman. That's an Padre. And so it brought up a lot of things to the table for everyone. And at the same time, it opened up, you know, that would be the negativity that would be the opposition. And as a, as a balance to it all. It opened the doors academically for people to get certified. And so there's been certifications going on for about five years. But when the pandemic hit, then it became a real deal, because now it turns out, there's a whole industry that by then it was already like a $2 billion industry. And everybody gets to do it worldwide, because everybody's at home, and they can do it online. And so all of it has been really reinforced. It's like an avalanche. It's like it fell and the pandemic started and it grew and it grew and it grew and it grew. So as much as people are talking about coaching and therapy and light work, and so So then empaths just keep finding each other and educating each other. And that's one of the things that inspired me to create the community and to do, you know, my Instagram is not all about empaths stuff, but my Twitter really is, because that's where I keep finding more people who need to know about
Unknown Speaker 20:17
that. Absolutely, you know, when, when, two and a half years ago, and two, even two years ago, my spirit guides had been trying to get me to wake up since 2019, they were like, you know, it's time girl, you need to like get to it, you need to take care of yourself, you need to deal with some stuff, you need to face yourself, stop running. And then they had after about six months of me doing some work on myself and starting to get fit mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, they had me go out to the lake every day for months, and speak to the water asking everyone to wake up. And I thought it was I was like, you want me to watch you know, when I get water and how important it is to speak to water. But at the time, I was still crossing the river, if you will, of the old and the new stuff. And I was like You want me to get up and start whispering to the water wall floating above it? And they were like, Yeah, we do. And I was like, Okay, I'm, I'm going in. And I did it. I'm actually blushing because I had quite a few people who lived where I lived at the time, who walked by, like just doing talking to the lake. And I was perched upon a bit of a picnic table on the balls of my feet, because it was the closest I could get to floating. It was so funny. But I was like I you know, I knew that it was we were shifting into the new earth, if you will, which for me personally is not about there being two planets, it's literally about there being two philosophies of how the world will function best that sort of like The Matrix concept and the people who are in the collective consciousness who are trying to vibrate at that incredible level and help other people in living grow. But it was a 100 know where I'm going with that. It was really funny time. Have you had anything? Do you have a have? desses? Have you had any moments where you were like you want me to watch it?
Unknown Speaker 22:18
That's right. Yes, almost every idea. It's like, what really why, how and why right now? Like, if I don't question that I don't get the answer. But I really want to thank you for sharing that story. Because first is the the ridiculousness of it all. And then the obedience that just made me so happy you did it.
Unknown Speaker 22:46
Oh, yeah. And I did it for several months. Everybody that lived where we lived was just it was funny. They were just like, what happened to us are walking around with a crystal in the middle of my forehead, and they were just like, call them call how she's gone off the deep end.
Unknown Speaker 23:02
I love it. Okay, so. So yes, a lot. A lot comes to me. And of course, I know it's spirit. And then I wonder, all the questions. My magic and mindfulness with Grace agenda that came out last year was one of those. I literally saw it in a dream. And I woke up and I looked at my husband, and I said, so in my dream in my hand, and all I remember is that it's about the moon, and it's a black cover, and the letters are blue. And he's like, cool. patpat he's not a highly sensitive, so he's like Papa, honey, good job. And then I looked at him, and I said, No, I need to make this happen. Okay, and so I had to pray about it, obviously, because if you're gonna give me an idea and a dream, then you must have some instructions for me. So I like to ask those questions, and not necessarily ask why anymore. I used to ask why a lot
Unknown Speaker 23:58
I do. I still ask why every once in a while, because they'll chorus on me. And I'm like, Oh, would you guys start talking at once?
Unknown Speaker 24:08
So yes, it's it's been interesting to follow suit. And then my child is kind of bilingual. So he really didn't say a word until he was three. But I have this video of him receiving a download. But he couldn't tell me what it was. And it's over 40 seconds of him just eyes closed, going like this, like in the sun, and then coming straight to me. And I'm like, what, what's better to say to you just now, and him just smiling and giving me a hug. So I guess it was good. But he was nonverbal. He couldn't tell me what it was. So part of my impetus drive to do all of this work and to read all of these books and to articulate it the way that I do for my clients and my audience is so that I can guide and direct him as best as I can. I know he has plenty of guides, but still I'm the one over here. Yeah, on this side of the hedge. So it's um, does that answer your question?
Unknown Speaker 25:10
Yeah, it did. Absolutely. I want to ask you about collective consciousness because it's something that, that I find really fascinating. For in my, from my personal experience, I've had times when I got dragged into the collective consciousness, like there was a really traumatic event that happened in my life in New York, and in about 20 years ago. And in the very beginning of it, I got pulled into feeling and seeing all these things that were going on. And, and, of course, later, I also got pulled into the positive side of it, where people were praying and meditating and sending extraordinary love. Because that's what happens is they've they've shown with the I forget the name of the group that does the collective consciousness research that shows the data that proves that when big events happen in the world, and people get together, you know, this from here reading about meditation, it changes the way that people humans feel across the planet. Have you had any experiences with collective consciousness?
Unknown Speaker 26:15
Yeah, so I would definitely say the love wave is the most recent event that we did. I don't know if you if you heard about that. 25 years now. So I hope that they do it again this year, I'm not sure if they will, but three top mentors from wisdom, put together a 24 hour event, and the only topic discussed in every hour segment was love. And, you know, we all rally together to do that. And this is something that we learned in the book club as well, which is Empath healing. And what happens when you get a chain text about so instant was in the hospital, please send your prayers, right. You're all rallying together. Same thing that happens in church, right? We everybody joins for the same idea, right? So the energy should be kind of balanced there. But
Unknown Speaker 27:13
you're really good. That's actually a really good example, like a prayer chain. It is.
Unknown Speaker 27:19
Right? And you know, we're going to do it hopefully, again on Monday for the spring equinox. If you get up whenever the device tell you that sunset is for your spot. If you get up on the spring equinox, you're going to be up with everyone else that's on the planet waking up to the same sun at the same time. And Monday is going to be huge. It's a Mountain Day. I'm so excited for Spring Equinox to fall on a moon day. So those are my experiences. I have no doubt about it. We can do so much together and I think historically speaking we have proven it but on the negative side of it. Yeah, yeah. To prove it on the positive right. You know, there is strength in numbers. This is why there's armed forces now we need like loving forces.
Unknown Speaker 28:10
So I love that somebody said I forget who somebody really famous. Oh, Deepak Chopra. Of course. I said we need a pandemic of joy. And I thought that's actually accurate. I think that's actually happening. Um, what was it going to say in regards to that? Collective Consciousness prayer? Oh, that was it was a good one to or didn't when I do that. Drives me crazy. Now do you ever do you're like, what was it? That was? Back to you? Um, yeah, we definitely feel like I feel negative energy. I think that's, oh, that I just remembered what it is. So and I've written about it, I wrote about this in my book. Science is proven that thoughts leave our head as light energy. So to me and I think this is interesting thought, first of all, that that to me makes psychic abilities make so much sense and I despise that word. I have always despised that word. Because of the way it historically has been used, like, you know, a conspiracy theorist to make someone sound like a loony bird. But the fact is, if all of us have thoughts that leave our head and every sound we make in every word we speak in every poem we write and book we put up goes out into the universe and lasts forever it doesn't disappear. It lit everything every sound every thought and all goes out there. Why is being psychics you know, that hard to understand? It actually makes total sense because we're literally just picking up the energy. So what's that?
Unknown Speaker 29:58
Do you really want me to answer like well, Like, yeah,
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