GlowUp with Shaman Isis
GlowUp with Shaman Isis: An Edgy Podcast for Transformation and Higher Consciousness
Are you captivated by inspiring personal stories, hero journeys, and reflections on spirituality's place in modern life? Tune in to GlowUp with Shaman Isis, the bold and uplifting podcast by spiritual rockstar, 2x #1 best-selling author, and veteran podcaster Cynthia L. Elliott—aka Shaman Isis.
With her devilish style, straight talk, and angelic warmth, Shaman Isis shares stunning tales of her transformation—from a Tennessee orphanage to NYC PR diva to GlowUp Guru. She explores the raw, real, and often hilarious intersections of self-discovery, spirituality, and modern living through heartfelt solo episodes and riveting interviews with survivors, spiritual leaders, authors, and experts.
Shaman Isis is a fearless voice advocating for higher consciousness as the antidote to the mental health crisis—a message echoed in her first #1 bestseller, Memory Mansion. Dubbed a "female Kerouac," her self-love memoir is a refreshing call to reclaim your power and shine.
In GlowUp with Shaman Isis, topics like emotional mastery, unleashing your inner rockstar, and reclaiming your power take center stage.
Are you ready to GlowUp and rock your life?
Discover more at ShamanIsis.com or SoulTechFoundation.org.
Follow her on social media at:
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Other Podcasts:
After a year of exhaustive reporting on the election and rapid evolution of AI, Shaman Isis is taking a break from her popular podcast, Citizen Journalist; those episodes are still available below.
Duration and frequency: The show shares 30-60 minutes biweekly
GlowUp with Shaman Isis
Exploring Self-Awareness and Control of Fate with Howard Falco
We scrutinize the role of identity and epigenetics, drawing from my personal journey through foster care, to unfold how these factors sketch our personalities and life paths. Howard elaborates on the power of having enough faith and trust to step into a realm of possibilities and how it can yield surprising results, presenting a perspective that can inspire us all. We also touch on the admirable courage and vulnerability demonstrated by athletes when they dare to take risks.
We further delve into an enlightening discourse about the power of vulnerability, co-creation, and mindful self-awareness. Howard shares practical wisdom on mastering emotions, controlling ego, and harnessing will and intention, highlighting the significance of understanding our consciousness in creating a more expansive bubble of awareness. Also, tune in to discover more about Howard's enlightening books and his Eight Wisdom Foundation - an initiative aiming to empower the young generation with self-awareness. Listen in, and change the way you perceive yourself and the world around you. It's an eye-opening conversation you don't want to miss!
GlowUp with Shaman Isis: An Edgy Podcast for Transformation and Higher Consciousness
Are you captivated by inspiring personal stories, hero’s journeys, and reflections on spirituality's place in modern life? Tune in to GlowUp with Shaman Isis, the bold and uplifting podcast by spiritual rockstar, 2x #1 best-selling author, and veteran podcaster Cynthia L. Elliott—aka Shaman Isis.
Discover more at ShamanIsis.com or SoulTechFoundation.org.
Follow her on social media at:
Welcome to New Earth News. I'm your host, shaman Isis, and I'm very excited to get talking to my guest today. We have got someone who is so experienced and I mean seriously, howard. You've got two books and an incredible website, so I can't wait to dig into it. Today we've got Howard Falco joining us. He is a spiritual teacher, author and coach who works with professional athletes, I believe.
Speaker 2:That's correct.
Speaker 1:Yes, and he's joining us today to talk about all things mindful and just coaching and spiritual teaching and everything. Welcome, howard. Thank you so much for joining me today.
Speaker 2:Well, thank you. Thank you for having me on Appreciate it.
Speaker 1:If you would not mind giving a little bit of your background to our audience, that would be great.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'll give the short version and then you're welcome to ask any questions you want on it. Basically, the short version is I've always been a voracious and curious seeker in the world, asking questions since a young age. The first time I was out camping and witnessed the night sky, the moonless sky, and saw what I could not believe were trillions of stars in the sky, it literally and figuratively blew my mind and I thought I'd like to figure that out someday and understand that. On a bigger perspective, it was on a quest for understanding and happiness and peace and in my mid 30s, married with two kids, I was not as happy as I thought I should be and I dug in a little bit and got to a real deep moment of yearning where I wanted to know from life, from the universe, from God, what the answers were to life, why people suffered, why there was such a disparity around the world, what we're doing here, what purpose and meaning was, and what happened was and this is a very short story, obviously is that the answers started to make their way into my awareness, or I started to notice how the answers are always around us and I opened that portal more and more and more through a state of mindfulness and presence and non-judgment.
Speaker 2:And, as I, the more I did that, the more the answers flooded my awareness, to a point where, six months after I had that deep point of yearning, I had an experience that again, literally and figuratively blew my mind, to the point where I thought this is some incredible information that just went from unknown to known was like being a hungry, hungry traveler and opening a door to a night's table that was so long, with food, a feast, and so over the next year I sort of digested all this insight and understanding about the nature of life and decided to honor that grace for the rest of my life by putting it in a book which I wrote, which then got published and that started me speaking and teaching around the world, and then that led to people that were looking to change their results and their realities, to start calling me, which included professional athletes, which I thought was unique but aligned with the idea that I wanted to share this in a more mainstream way or the most mainstream way I could.
Speaker 2:So I thought it was interesting. The universe brought it in sports, and so that's what I've been doing, that's, I've been teaching and speaking about the nature of existence to anybody who's interested people who are going through spiritual inquiry, depressed trauma, or athletes looking to get to the next level. So it's been pretty diverse.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I love that. That's actually really interesting. I got the chance to work with them quite a few athletes because one of my clients was a super food product that's used by almost all of the professional teams A Tart cherry juice product which helps reduce inflammation in the body and I was really impressed with how many of them strive on a level that's hard to find in the regular population, a self-improvement, self-actualization that's really authentic and unique to professional athletes. So it must be very interesting to have them as clients.
Speaker 2:It definitely is, and the ones that are at the top level in the world. What's fascinating is I thought those are the ones that wouldn't be interested in this, but actually those are the ones that are most open, because they're always looking to stay on top or to continue moving forward, so they're naturally curious. A lot of them some are protective, so not all of them. Some are very protective of new information, but a lot of them are very open to this, and this new generation is very cerebral when it comes to athletics or life in general, and so they're very open to this work.
Speaker 1:It's funny that you bring that up is I've been trying to explain to my son, who's 16, going on 25, that professional athletes that are really, really grounded and super successful are into mindfulness, and I think he's having a hard time believing it, anyway. So was there a particular? I found, with a lot of people who go into this kind of thing, there was a particular life experience, whether it's trauma based or just a powerful moment in your experience, in your travels. Was there like just something that happened, that had you started sending you down this road, or did it happen organically?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think that's what's maybe a little bit unique and kind of exciting is that this showed me you don't have to get to a level of trauma to open to new insight, new wisdom. But it was a voracious curiosity. I mean, I really was curious about the nature of what we're doing here and what the purpose and meaning behind all this is, and why there's disparity around the world and why some what it looked like on the surface have good luck and some have bad luck. And so it had really gotten to the point where I was building my life and achieving certain things that I thought were supposed to bring me happiness, and I was getting more concerned because the more I checked off, the I didn't get any closer. I mean, I enjoyed, I'm happily married, two great kids, I mean that's all been great.
Speaker 2:But the deep, profound sense of peace I was waiting to arise never showed up and I thought, okay, the last thing on my checklist is millions of dollars. Right, that's what the American dream is, etc. And then I was in the finance business at the time, 20 years ago, and I thought, well, I'm already working with a lot of people that have wealth beyond their means and that they couldn't spend in a lifetime and they're miserable. And that's when I got scared. That's when I was like, okay, that's not the answer either. And then I was out of answers and that's when I humbled myself and said, fully, let go. And said, okay, I'm ready to receive whatever it is to know about this.
Speaker 1:You just gave me chill bumps with that story. That's incredible. It's interesting that you say that because when I first moved to New York back in the mid 90s, I got to work with these incredible people from every conceivable industry and they were literally who. I was so fortunate I was. This country bumpkin that moved to New York City, fell into a job where I got to sit across the table for hours and he's really wildly experienced people and very successful and recently one of them.
Speaker 1:I just happened to write about him in the book I'm working on and not a few days later he and I'm sorry to trigger anybody, but he took himself out and he was a billionaire who was highly respected for having own Snapple and selling it at the right time. And I was really surprised because, getting to know him, he had it. You know he had everything and yet to make that choice, tell said to me you know you can still have everything, be in your 70s and still wake up one day and say you know I'm not happy. It just goes back to what you were saying about stuff.
Speaker 2:Stuff doesn't exactly, and and unhappiness. What I've discovered is that any, any suffering of mind is ultimately stemming from a lie in the mind. And so there's. You could, you could have the wealth, of riches and material things, but without that understanding of your connection to all of it and the nature of who you are, you can end up being lost and in pain and in suffering, and so that's a big part of what I'm doing in the world is trying to offer or offering people the truth about themselves and their journey here and the power that's with him, though.
Speaker 1:Do you find that some people fight that?
Speaker 2:the truth is not the best business to be a lot of. You have to really be ready. You have to really be ready for the work because it's going to challenge a long held belief or string of beliefs that has given you a sense of identity. Even though it's created suffering, it's still giving you part of your identity. So you have to be willing to let go a little bit, to entertain something new about yourself. But when you do and when you are ready, boy is it joyful and fulfilling and exciting and liberating.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's, that's a great word. I was sharing something very deeply personal and I spent 20 years of marketing in PR to beat the PR out of my behavior, my beliefs, my language, my way of spinning things. I mean, I started working in my mid 20s. By the time I had my spiritual awakening, I was, I had spun my whole life, not only to the public but to myself, and that was probably the hardest lie to break myself from. Was that identity as PR, a PR pioneer? You know what am I if I'm not the job I did for 20 years and none of us are the job we do?
Speaker 2:Right, it's a part of who you are. It's an experience and it may end up remaining a piece of who you are, but you're so much more than that, especially not just as a PR person, but anybody that has negative thoughts or limiting thoughts about who they are. I have a statement that I start every talk or speech with which I'll offer, which is this If you knew how powerful you really are, you would never stop smiling.
Speaker 1:I love that. I'm going to borrow that from you. Yeah, have you. What are some of the hardest? Because I'm learning so much from you already and I'm loving this conversation because it's so the insight you're providing is so powerful. What are some of the most the key lessons, those nuggets that that one being one of them that you found really has a powerful influence in your clients' existence?
Speaker 2:That it does not matter what happened 10 years ago, five weeks ago or three minutes ago. The true power is in who you choose to be right now. That's where your power is. So life always starts in this moment. You can start a whole new lifetime from this very moment, and I think that's very hopeful and very exciting. Now, to harness that power to its greatest extent, to really truly embrace a new identity, to walk that line of faith and trust with life in a new way, takes the self-reflection and awareness to look back at what has caused some suffering or what beliefs you have operated out of that have limited you from it, so that you can break yourself from it and free yourself. But this moment holds all the power in it for change. So that's one big one. I mean, there's some big nuggets I could offer. It's a little like offering the answer to a complicated math equation. You can get the answer, but the real wisdom is in how you put the equation together, right, and how you arrived at the answer. But that's one of them.
Speaker 2:The other is that the ironic thing we're all told that we're destined to death in taxes. Right, and neither one of those are real or true. You can go to a tax haven country and not pay any taxes. So that's not true. And the ironic thing is, the only thing we're truly destined to is life Now. Will it change form and will things change and will there be a different view on things? Yes, Does anybody really know what that is yet? No, I mean, we've had many thousands and thousands of people who've given us, who've had glimpses and given us some insight on that, which has been wonderful. But when you really realize that time doesn't run out, from a standpoint of your ability to create as a conscious creator, it allows you to relax in this moment enough to harness more of those moments and to enrich your life and to fulfill it and to live more fearlessly and powerfully. So that was another real big one.
Speaker 2:And then the third one I'll offer is that your identity, the way that you think about who you are, has been, is and will continue to be the biggest single driver of what you create in your life going forward. So the more you can reflect on that identity and be conscious enough to shape it in a way that aligns with what you want, the faster the conditions will come together for you to create what you would you desire to experience, and that takes understanding how that identity has come together. And you know without going too deep in it, because I could talk for hours on this but you know there's three main drivers of it. It's your personal experiences, the nurturing you got when you were younger.
Speaker 2:And then the one that's really kind of the secret, one that that really pushes on people that they may not be aware of, is genetics and just past generations and the coding and the socialization and how they interacted with their environment. It affects us as much as eye color, hair color, skin color. You know those traits get passed to us and they can sneak up on our personality and cause us to sabotage and do things where we don't know where that came from. And so to be aware of that is the change in it, is the power of it. So that's why it's so important for people to understand that epigenetics is a part of that identity that moves their life.
Speaker 1:So that was a hard one for me.
Speaker 1:I grew up in care in an orphanage for the foster care system and I did know my parents was fortunate in that way, but I didn't want to be anything like my family, so everything I tried to do was to escape from the history of my family, only to have it.
Speaker 1:You know, I'm going with this. I'm full circle. When I got, I went through quite a few traumas at one point, and post 2007 it was just one thing after the other my mother's death that you know, getting divorced and asking for one while I was pregnant, and then my sister dying unexpectedly, shattering my leg. It was just boom, boom, boom and I fell into addiction the very thing that I said I would never do, because that ran in my family and that is one of the reasons why my family was so disrupted. And in healing, having to accept that they're that they're the epigenetics is a is a truth and something that I needed to work on was really difficult for me because, it was like saying you know, I felt like the part of me, the childish part of me, was like it's like saying I'm broken already.
Speaker 2:Right, right, no, far farthest thing from it. What a powerful warrior you are as far as what you've been through and to be here shining your light for others and saying, yeah, you can and will overcome anything in your life. You know good for you and much respect to you for for all that you've been through and that you're here doing what you're doing. Thank you, thank you.
Speaker 1:I appreciate that. Have you found with people that what are, what are? As a, as a coach, you works, you know, on such a high scale with people? What are some of the epiphany or key moments that you found with people where they finally shift or transition and and level up, if you will?
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, that's a great way of saying it. They level up when they realize that who they thought they were, that limited them, is not true anymore and that there's another possibility for them. And just when they have enough faith and trust to step into that space, they usually get surprised by the result in a good way, because they they trusted that they can and they will, and it happens. And then it's like wow, that that's a different wrinkle in the pattern, that's not the same as the pattern before. And that's when the wheel gets grease for them to just continue to think that way and to be vulnerable.
Speaker 2:Really, because what happens is with a lot of athletes or people is that they go through experiences and then they know what works and doesn't work for them, and so they don't get vulnerable anymore in an area that may cause trauma again, or they pull them back so they don't want to take risk. But for athletes, you have to constantly be taking risk and putting yourself out there. I think that's why we revered them so much as they get to the top, because they're showing this incredible courage under immense pressure to do so. So it's about it really comes down, I think, the vulnerability if you can get someone to trust the vulnerability with the strong intention combined with it. That's when the magic happens, and they experience something different.
Speaker 1:That was so beautifully said and so perfect. In terms of my own personal experience and I'm sorry this is all about me today you guys, I can't help it. Getting vulnerable was the single most did. Letting go of my identity was like take. It was like getting naked and then and then getting vulnerable was the hardest thing and I didn't really see just how much I was struggling with that aspect of it until I started to share my real story and found I was still editing. It was still editing it like a year ago I was still editing it and it was like stop, you don't work in PR anymore.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's, it's, and we're wired to protect ourselves for survival. I mean, that's what a big part of fear is, for it's just the ego sometimes takes and uses that tool to prevent us from any change, even if it's good change. And that's where we have to take back control of our ego, with our will and our intention, and say no, you're not directing the show anymore, I am. I have the courage to do this, I'm going to do it. I trust that whatever happens will be for my highest good, and I know this is the path in the door I need to go through, because it's a door I haven't gone through before. I know what the other doors have brought me and that's the same repetitive cycle of being in the same place. So I have to get uncomfortable, I have to be vulnerable and you're almost forced into faith.
Speaker 2:I guess is this kind of the but you force yourself through your own will which creates the feeling of being in the same place, and that's where it gets exciting. But the more you trust that process. See, that's the other thing. I know I'm really kind of on a roll here, but this whole idea is that when you realize that that life is always connecting to you. You're going to have a forever constant co-creational experience with life. You are part of the infinite, you know the infinite experience of life and you're one of the creators, so life will never stop creating with you. The question is to understand how you have been co-creating with life, how you have done that, so that you can start to do it in a way that aligns more with what you want rather than the pain of what you've experienced prior.
Speaker 1:Oh, that is so powerful and so true Co-creation. That's something I'm enjoying very freely now and it's been incredible Emotions. I've been saying this phrase lately. Our habitual thoughts dictate our mental state. Our mental state dictates our emotions. Our emotions dictate our life experience. Would you find that true for your experience as a coach and spiritual?
Speaker 2:teacher, any time that your mind is in conflict with reality, there's resistance to what you're experiencing, there's going to be friction, and that friction is either going to generate an overabundance of positive energy or an overabundance of negative energy. Both of those will lead to emotion joyful emotion or negative emotion. I think mostly we're focused more on getting away from experiencing the negative emotion. But when we start to get to that imbalanced state where we're in an emotional state, we start to lose objectivity. When we lose objectivity, then our choices start to get out of alignment. We start to make those choices from the emotional state, which is based on fear if it's negative, versus the clear state, which would take us right through the storm.
Speaker 2:Why mindfulness is so important? Or self-awareness. As you understand how your emotions work on you, you start to become a master over them, in terms of when there's conflict, instead of just subconsciously going down the process where the friction gets created, the emotion starts and then the choices get made that take you off out of alignment. You start to stop Check yourself when am I in resistance with reality or what is? How can I just accept that it is not, that I want it for tomorrow, or I want it to continue or that I approve of it, but that it is and that there's purpose in some of it for some reason, and that allows you to move through it in a mindful way and a more masterful way. Again, you can see how that can work for athletes, because when athletes get emotional, forget it, especially if you're in a very precise position, like a quarterback or a pitcher.
Speaker 1:It's not their game or something. No pun intended.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, it absolutely does. Yeah, it absolutely does. It's like you watch a pitcher give up a home run. How does he step back in in front of 50,000 people and millions watching and throw the next pitch? Well, he does it because he goes back into a space of trust and vulnerability. You're in a relationship that ends and it's traumatic and it hurts. How do you go back out there and make yourself vulnerable again? You have to do it from a place of trust and faith and a belief in yourself that supersedes the last experience and that's where the work is done. So wow.
Speaker 1:Wow, these are. I'm going to have so many amazing soundbites from this one podcast. I wanted to ask you about. One of the more popular topics on social media and with younger generations is consciousness. Is that something that you work with your clients on as you speak about?
Speaker 2:So a lot of times we can lose the meaning in words because I like to define the word. So what is consciousness really mean? Consciousness simply means you are level of awareness, and I like to give the visual of like everybody's level of awareness or consciousness is like a bubble floating right. Some people have very small bubbles. There's a smaller awareness, a smaller level of consciousness, and it gets bounced around a lot because there's not a it's not a more grounded, bigger, more expansive bubble.
Speaker 2:As you go through life and you learn and you get wiser, that bubble of consciousness starts to expand more and more and you understand more about life. You understand more about the process and your connection to life, and that's what I believe an expanded consciousness or awareness is. So, yeah, I do use the word when it's important in delivering a message or an understanding, but a limited consciousness is bound by limitation in a sea of infinite possibility, because the truth is really an infinite conscious right. That's really the moment I hesitate to use the E word. So, yeah, for that way I don't get it. The person is not 모르ced and they don't receive it. That's what the word enlightenment means. It means that you've experienced a blown out expansion of awareness that sees so much possibility. Then all of a sudden you're snapped back into reality and you're like, whoa, okay, now, what do I do with this? That's what I believe consciousness is. It's just a state of awareness Again, bigger bubbles and smaller bubbles, younger souls and older souls, older souls, a more expanded consciousness.
Speaker 1:For me, consciousness came in terms of and I don't I dislike the phrase present in the moment because it's so overused that you lose sight of what it means but it really it was. Not only was a hard lesson for me getting to consciousness In terms. For me that means I'm not reacting to life, I'm not reacting to external factors. I'm literally present as the observer, director, star of my own, yeah.
Speaker 2:I can see that.
Speaker 1:That's a great definition.
Speaker 2:The reason that someone wouldn't be reacting is because all that is happening has already been accepted. There's no resistance to anything. There's this state of just eternal presence that all is perfect as it is Sometimes something we each have to work at, because the world will constantly attempt to assault us with the negative and what other people are trying to confirm. They'll try and use you as someone in their play to confirm that negativity or to confirm that point of view. So to be in that state where how, the way you explain consciousness is really it's a very supreme state and a lot of people may not like it.
Speaker 1:I had to tell you it was a lot of work to get there and I have occasional moments where I might get triggered out of being the observer, but as I age and learn more and more, it just becomes less frequent. I want to hear about your two books. Can you share Sure?
Speaker 2:I'd be happy to. So I Am is the first book. It's right here and I Am came out of the first experience and this is a deep dive into self-awareness, from A to Z who you are, why you are, how you are and who you can be. So it takes you through the journey of how you've been constructed from energy and matter, all the way through the psychological, through the spiritual, understanding every aspect of yourself, so that you can harness that power to move forward in the world from a more conscious and peaceful place. And then the second book I wrote.
Speaker 2:They asked me to write something else and I'd edited a piece out on time which I really liked, and so I made the second book. It's called Time in a Bottle Mastering the Experience of Life, and this is about how time plays a role in your life, not from a linear perspective but from an experiential perspective, and how, the more conscious and aware you are of who you are and what you want to create, and the power within you, how you can take that space of where you are to where you want to be, and how you can collapse time so that the conditions come together faster for you, so that you're not working against yourself and expanding or creating more time and suffering because of a lack of awareness. So awareness collapses that space. So that's what the second book is about and that is some great stories, isn't it?
Speaker 1:I'm going to have to read both of those, in particular the second one, because, from the, I felt like the last two years, which has really been.
Speaker 1:I started down this road in 2019 when I looked in the mirror for the first time in a decade and said I couldn't, I hadn't been able to do it. I couldn't because I could see how unhappy I was and and how I was, and that was the beginning of me finally turning. So the last few years have been really powerful for me, but when I, when I allowed and this is why I'm going to go back to you talking about vulnerability when I finally stopped editing myself and allowed my real experiences, as ugly as they were, I mean, I did it all. All the mistakes you can make when you're depressed and drinking too much and using drugs and all of it like I do not care anymore, but anybody knows when that finally happened, the distance between what I was, what I felt called to do, and where I was going heading just suddenly started going and it's amazing the change, the shift. So I have to, I have got to check out both of those books, in particular the second one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's awesome. And then you'll be just in time for I'm writing a third one, which will be out next year.
Speaker 1:So I'll give us a sneak peek on what that's about.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm really excited about this one. I mean not that I love my two pieces of work, but I've taken 10 to 15 years of working with thousands of people in every situation in the world, from trauma to spiritual path to athletes at the top level and I'm creating a step by step format for the supreme state of mind, for being an empowered creator, and how you do that, how you step into that supreme state, what I'm calling next level mindfulness. So I'm really excited to offer that and you know, having done this for 15 years and trying widen the audience and bring in more people who I know are looking for this information in the world and you know I mean mental health numbers are at epidemic levels right now, so a lot of people are looking for insight and information.
Speaker 1:So, absolutely, that's something that's a very valuable book and I agree with you it is and I've been seeing this come for a while now. I was very concerned about social media and what I could see, because, you know, I came from the industry and I was like watching it and unfolded. I even came out with the phrase influence for marketing, which made me feel really guilty for like 10 years and I was watching it and I'm like what if I felt like I unleashed it and I know I didn't, I just picked the words, but it's really led to it. It wasn't everything that caused this, but it really was one of those huge factors that has pushed mental health into both a hugely concerning area but also a huge opportunity, because your message is right, right, I love that you see that side.
Speaker 2:Right, there's always another side to it. Right, we can't stop evolution and change in the speeding up of technology and self reflection through social media, and but we can learn how to take control of it and hopefully counterbalance some of the negative effects of that with. I think it's right for this kind of awareness for people to really learn the power they have over it and over themselves. So so I'm hoping to deliver on.
Speaker 1:That was an incredible conversation. If our audience wants to learn about your work, where would they go visit?
Speaker 2:Sure, my main website is howardfalcocom. That's howardfazandfrankalcocom. All my information is there on my books and the private session work that I do and speaking, and then my books are on Amazon, barnes, noble, and hopefully should be in any bookstore. I'm also on social media. I offer positive, obviously, insight and wisdom on Instagram and TikTok and Facebook and a little bit on Twitter and then, if anybody's interested in the sports side, they can check out Total Mind Sports, which is the work I do in sports.
Speaker 1:I'm going to have to check that out. I'm curious. We're going to ask, maybe schools.
Speaker 2:Thank you, and one last thing I do want to I'm starting to at least let people know about this. I have started a foundation to get self-awareness out to young people, and that is the Eight Wisdom Foundation, which is EightWisdomorg just if people are interested in seeing what I'm doing there and what I'll be doing for the rest of my life to show this.
Speaker 1:I love that that you started a foundation. That's incredible. Thank you so much, Howard. Thank you.
Speaker 2:Thank you very much for having me and I really enjoyed the conversation and thank you for what you're doing. I appreciate you.
Speaker 1:You're welcome. I'm going to let everybody go and I'll be back to you just one second. Thank you so much for watching New Earth News. This is Howard Falco, who's joined us today for an incredible conversation. If you are not already subscribed, do yourself a favor and subscribe to New Earth News with Shaman Isis and go follow me on social media. You can find the icons at the bottom of shamanisiscom and, if you'd like to listen to audio while you're on the road, new Earth News is also on Spotify and Apple. Howard, thanks again. I appreciate it.
Speaker 2:My pleasure. Thanks for having me.
Speaker 1:See you guys. Bye.